Themac Grinders, LLC

Featured Products

J35 Grinder

J45 Grinder

Themac produces a series of grinding machines that are designed to be mounted on any make of bench or engine lathe. The Themac tool post grinder is accepted as the standard in the American industry and maintains its own niche in the market today.

The company was founded in 1936 by Err McGonegal as The McGonegal Manufacturing Company. Mr. McGonegal was a Scot who had a canny sense of business and the skill to produce a precision tool that would be in demand for decades.

After a few decades, the company was then stewarded for over 40 years by Joe Cremona who was loved by family, friends and business associates.  Mr. Cremona built on the success of Mr. McGonegal by improving the design of the product line and streamlining operations.

In the summer of 2017, the business was purchased by the Illian family who were dedicated to continuing the rich tradition of manufacturing high-quality grinders in the USA.

In late 2024, the business was again purchased, this time by a vendor, Flemington Aluminum & Brass. Themac Grinders LLC remains committed to providing quality products and services with integrity.